
Showing posts from February, 2018

Sketch of "The Tempest"

In this sketch, I tried to reimagine The Tempest by drawing both Prospero and Caliban. During the Winter Quarter of Humanities Core, we were explained to about the question of being human in The Tempest. I thought the best characters to draw would be Prospero and Caliban due to their changes and differences between the two. To illustrate their change, I drew the value of color from left to right becoming lighter. In the Animations Anteaters club, I heard that the reason for drawing left to right is that it creates a sense of progression. The image becomes brighter towards the right to symbolize the characters becoming more human. I also plan to have Prospero seem foreboding and threatening on the left dark side of his face, yet more empathetic seeming on the right by making his facial features more softer. For Caliban, I plan to have him seem more inhuman while progressively having him become more human like on the right. For the differences, I wanted to illustrate the d